Sunday, June 8, 2008

News : Shoot in open air

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To pee outdoor it is a common fact in most countries in Africa like Senegal, Cote d’ivoire and Congo Brazzaville
People who are more reach by this phenomenon it is the men and most of them are comfortable shooting out in open air even in Brazzaville's Downtown, it isn't hygienic though, but this fact is increasing more and more everywhere in Congo Brazzaville and all around in Africa.

To reduce or stop this practice are putting some signs all over the city warning people not to urinate in public, some signs are often very strict in their warnings like : "YOU PISS WILL HIT YOU" but beside warnings all people don't really mind about and keep doing their habit.

The lack of public toilets that le maim point of this phenomenon public toilets are not very common in most cities in Africa or very expensive

The danger of keep urinating out in open air is that later people can be sick specially children who are used to playing on the floor. Once in contact with the sand all this batteries (Virus) are transported by the rain and after being in contact with the sand kids can be strike by severe illness like diarrhoea that is biggest killer of children in Africa

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