Monday, May 12, 2008

Globalisation in Congo Brazzaville and Dakar

Globalisation has had huge effects on many areas including the technology field.
In my view the biggest was in the technical and science field.

Over the last past years in Brazzaville and Dakar most companies found in the country were national companies and it was hard to find many people from other countries come and work but now the effects of globalisation is visible.

You can find many western technologies companies in Senegal and some Countries in Africa like Congo. People are trying to come from all over Africa for finding out. The population is increasing and the opportunity of finding job is increasing too, but it still keep the same condition of life in some places.

in the other hand many people from Congo are leaving the country for studying technology and trying to find jobs.Technology skills is on request in many western countries like USA, Canada, France, UK, Spain, Australia, New Zealand as result there are shortages of skills in Africa

Beside all kind of western technology company in Africa people are still struggling to improve their daily life in Africa