Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Class Profile

There are 16 students include me it's 17 students many of them have been in New Zealand for many years and get NZ passport and some have a PR and the rest are international students and have a different origin, cultural and background . all from a part of the world

Three of them (two women and one man) come from China, two women come from Afghanistan, two women come from Korea, one woman comes from Russia, one woman comes from Ukraine, one woman comes from Japan she is international student, another woman comes from Thailand , one woman comes from Palestinian, one from Iran,one woman comes from Iran, one woman comes from comes from Pakistan, one man comes from Congo Brazzaville in Central Africa in NZ since August 2007, one man comes from Ethiopia, one a man comes from Romania

We have been here in New Zealand for between 3 months and over 10 years, the shortest time are of us has been in NZ is 3 months and the largest time is over 15 years

Most of them have a New Zealand citizenship and roughly 8 of them are a resident permanent and there are 3 who are international student

Most of them during their spare time like Listen to music or to play music some of them practise sport and like pets like dogs and cat 2 of them are not font of pets